On the day after Christmas, Kellen and the ABC football team had a tournament game in a nearby village. We arrived to find a hard, flat and dusty red football pitch and the village members crowded along the sidelines. It was an exciting and hard fought game, but with bad reffing, a rain storm and slippery ground, ABC lost 3-4.
My super athletic and talented husband also recently played in a golf tournament for the Junior Golf Association of Malawi and won a weekend away for the longest drive (377 yards!). We were very fortunate to be able to drive to Zomba Plateau about 4 1/2 hours away and stay in a luxury hotel for 2 nights. As you can see, we hiked around the top of the mountain and enjoyed awesome
views of God's beautiful creation.
We were welcomed back to Lilongwe today by a massive thunder storm. We enjoyed the cool weather and welcome rain for the crops. Nacho, who is usually unbothered by the storms, hid in the shelf under the table in our living room to sleep in peace!